Streamlining Test Scenario Management: Exploring the Efficiency of One-Button Flow Generation, Record & Play, and Drag & Drop

In this blog post, we’ll dive into the efficiency of Cunda’s one-button flow generation and the powerful capabilities of Record & Play and Drag & Drop. Explore how these features revolutionize the testing landscape, elevating the efficiency and effectiveness of your test management processes and propelling your organization towards accelerated software delivery and enhanced product quality.

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Automated Web Flow Detection: Unleashing the Power of AI

Cunda harnesses AI's power to transform how we detect and analyze web flows. By analyzing user sessions and interactions, Cunda can automatically identify common and unique flows, eliminating the need for manual test case creation.

This intelligent approach saves time/effort and ensures comprehensive test coverage by capturing real user behaviors. With Cunda’s AI-powered flow detection, test engineers can focus on critical testing activities, confident that they are testing their application's most relevant and impactful aspects.

Record & Play: Effortless Test Case Creation Made Simple

Test case creation is often time-consuming and labor-intensive, requiring manual effort and attention to detail. However, Cunda’s Record & Play feature revolutionizes this process, making it effortless and intuitive!

Here’s how: test engineers can interact with the application with a simple recording mechanism and automatically generate test cases. This intuitive approach reduces the time and effort required to create comprehensive test scenarios and ensures accuracy and consistency in test case generation.

Cunda's Record & Play feature eliminates the need for manual scripting, empowering test engineers to create test cases rapidly, enabling faster test execution and increased productivity.

Drag & Drop: Custom Test Case Design Made Easy

Creating complex test scenarios often involves writing extensive code and managing intricate test scripts. However, Cunda simplifies test case design with its intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Test engineers can visually arrange test steps and actions, designing custom test cases without extensive coding effortlessly.

This user-friendly approach enhances productivity and collaboration within the testing team, allowing for faster test case creation and increased efficiency. With Cunda’s Drag & Drop feature, test engineers can focus on test design rather than coding, unlocking their creativity and enabling them to design comprehensive test scenarios easily.

One-Button Flow to Test Case Generation

Cunda revolutionizes test scenario creation with its one-button flow to test case generation. Test engineers can effortlessly convert user flows into comprehensive test cases with a single click. This streamlined approach eliminates extensive coding, making test scenario creation accessible to technical and non-technical team members.

By simplifying the process, Cunda enhances collaboration within the testing team and accelerates the creation of complex test scenarios, ensuring thorough test coverage and efficient testing cycles.


Advanced AI capabilities transform the test management landscape, empowering organizations to achieve faster, more accurate, and scalable software testing. With Cunda’s powerful features, such as Automated Web Flow Detection, Record & Play, Drag & Drop, and One-Button Flow Generation, test engineers can streamline their test management processes, accelerate software delivery, and enhance product quality.

By leveraging AI's power, Cunda enables test engineers to focus on critical testing activities, effortlessly create custom test cases, and manage test scenarios with minimal human intervention.

Embrace the power of AI-driven testing with Cunda and unlock a new level of efficiency and effectiveness in your test management endeavors.

Elevate your testing game and embrace the future of automation with Cunda. For more info, visit Cunda.